For I Am Global Ministries History


Long before there was FIA Global Ministries, there was FIA Corporation. FIA Corporation served the Atlanta community from 1993 through 2022 in music, as well as video broadcasting and Film productions. The company's goal was to offer high-end production expertise at no cost to new Atlanta artists. While the company thrived in many entertainment categories, some of the corporate production subcategories included the following.

Music and Artist Productions: Everything started with music productions, dedicated to God in Thanksgiving for a huge blessing in the lives of the owners. First, the basement had to be completed. However, before the bathroom could be completed and before the carpet was in place, the artists found me and started coming. Although the primary focus has been, and will always be on Gospel music, the repertoire needed to expand to meet needs of the community. Music and artists productions took place in MOSA studios (a FIA subsidiary) and involved either FIA Gospel or Atlanta Sub Factor Production teams. The collaborative efforts in the studios were aimed at artists across all musical genres (although the primary focus was gospel). These included Jazz, Hip Hop, Rap, Country, Rock, R&B, Spoken Word, and Pop to name a few. It was typical for artists to collaborate and support each other making for a musical family.
TV Broadcast Productions: FIA Broadcast Network provided appealing talk shows that connected to various audiences. The format for the hybrid TV shows (hybrid means internet-based) were similar to regular TV shows but were designed for internet audiences on a global scale. The shows entertained and provided up to date information for thousands of viewers who regularly tuned in to watch their favorite weekly show hosts and guests. Before there was Face book TV and You Tube TV, there was FBN Broadcast network.
KCS-Squared Film and Animations: KCS2 Film and Animations creatively focused on a wide range of film, animation, and music videos. The production products reflected FIA’s attention to detail in pursuit of excellence.
Studio Software: FIA’s Song and Artists Tracking System was developed to facilitate the day-to-day operations of the music studio and handle various aspects of independent label management. This multifaceted tracking system was an extremely valuable tool that was marketed to individuals or companies who wanted more organization and the ability to measure company growth. In the past, it was offered as freeware.
WFIA Hybrid Radio Station: WFIA was an automated system that showcased both music and talk show productions 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Listeners could hear both prerecorded Christian talk shows as well as their favorite FIA artists.
For I Am Global Ministries (the Church): Seeking to do the Father's will is central to my history. After 30 years of ministry in music, talk shows, radio, film, and the pulpit, I found that the only thing that I had not done was to establish a church for the Lord. I remembered that the Father told me years ago "If you want a church, I will bless it." Therefore, after retirement, I committed to the privilege of establishing a church. The ink has dried on the paperwork for “For I Am Global Ministries” and the church is established. My ministry vision does not include a standard church facility, but a facility to offer praise via productions across all media. Although I have identified several associates for collaboration in the various production arenas, in time I will identify like-minded, fired-up associates to partner with me in establishing this ministry-production facility. Nevertheless, I have been blessed with equipment to handle most small, medium, and large projects. So, the production of creative Christian projects continues.

My central hope is that God gets some glory from my life.

Rev. Dr. Solomon Pollard

The following presentations provide past accomplishments via video.

  • View Thru Production Window

    FIA/ASF Music and Broadcast Productions: As Seen Thru The Control Room Window

    This is a view through the control room window at Mosa Studios during various productions. It has been a unique blessing to work with so many talented and gifted people. This video showcases a few of the numerous Artists, Associates, Musicians, Talk Show Hosts, Song Writers, Lead and Background Singers, Producers, and overall helpers/supporters that worked with FIA over the decades.

  • Mosa Studio Progression

    MOSA Studios: Studio Developmental Progress Across Decades

    The progression of MOSA Studios has been a joyful blessing to experience. The Studio grew over the years as did the annointed Artists and production capability. Although the company and its studio began in 1993, the pictures provided here showcase this phenominal growth from the year 1995. The background music is one of the many Dr. P. productions that was used with one of the Hybrid TV shows. To view MOSA's primary studio as it exists today, use this button.

    Mosa Studios Today

    I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. (Psalm 34:1)

Historically, FIAgm Alway Sought to be a Blessing to the Community of Talented Professionals as we Collectively Sought to Praise God


For I Am Global Ministries
990 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. #98
Suwanee, GA 30024
Phone: (678) 995-7048